365买球平台雇佣了洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事 several times for wills, family 信托基金, 地产 of our parents, and some other issues. 他们非常专业,365买球平台会再次使用他们的服务. 谢谢你的出色表现! ——伊万S. (2018年11月7日)
我不知道该从何开始感谢您为365买球平台所做的一切. 你为解除这两项留置权所做的大量工作令人惊叹. We realize you went above and beyond what is normal in order to accomplish a clear closing. 365买球平台也很感谢你为365买球平台省下的额外的钱. 顺利的结束是一个梦想成真. 365买球平台很荣幸为您推荐贵律所. You are a special person 和Tom and I are most grateful to have this nightmare property behind us. — J. 和T. (2018年4月17日)
我被推荐给露易丝·库林斯基作为我离婚的代理律师. 由于情况不同, the breakup of my marriage became very contentious even to the point of being combative. 洛伊斯’s understanding of how 离婚s can affect both parties in a family with children not only during the proceedings, 但之后, 会对未来产生深远的影响吗. Her abilities to effectively mediate in sensitive situations to diffuse potentially harmful outcomes was invaluable. She displayed a great knowledge of 家庭法 both in and out of the courtroom. Her representation of my case was excellent in protecting my rights and recognizing the rights of my former spouse under the law. 在我人生最艰难的时期, 洛伊斯 and her staff provided continuing assurance as well as an uplifting spirit that helped me throughout the proceedings. 今天, I have a very good ongoing relationship with my former wife to the benefit of our children and extended family. 我把这归功于露易丝的专业精神和对客户的关怀. 我在此授予露易丝·库林斯基 Kulinsky & 协会有限公司, the right to use the aforesaid comments on her web site testimonial page and understand that the language may be abbreviated or shortened in order to be on web site. ——戴夫·P. (2018年3月3日)
露易丝和她的员工都是真正的法律专业人士! 她对公平解决问题的决心坚如磐石. 露易丝以坚韧不拔的精神处理了一场非常有争议的信托诉讼. 作为州外客户, 洛伊斯 set my mind at ease and made it easy for me to manage the case from California. 她的建议总是中肯的. 她对判例法的研究是首屈一指的! 露易丝和她的全体员工一直都很积极主动. 没有她,我做不到! She managed a complicated case from start to finish to a favorable resolution. 我强烈推荐……律师事务所 Kulinsky & 协会有限公司 给任何寻求专业和法律服务的人. ——阿方斯·L.北加州(2016年4月4日)
Please accept our thanks for all you’ve done over the past two years to help us settle the probate estate. 365买球平台从没想过会有这么大的挑战. 我很高兴365买球平台有你的专业知识和帮助可以依靠. 365买球平台非常欣慰地把这一章抛在脑后. 罗伯特·B. (2016年3月25日)
洛伊斯 and Jessica handled a probate for me with sensitivity and 专业ism. I live in Arizona and they made it easy for me to manage things from home and limit my travel to Illinois. 我强烈推荐洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事. 他们有能力,有爱心. ——Sandy K. (9月. 5, 2014)
I needed accurate information and guidance regarding obtaining guardianship for a family member. 我发现露易丝和她的员工都很专业, accommodating and possessing a willingness to go that extra mile 对于他们的客户. They researched my situation to obtain the answers needed for me to make intelligent decisions that would impact our family for years to come. I found their fees to be reasonable for the services they provided and would recommend this firm to anyone looking for skilled legal representation. ——Renee S. 伊斯里(8月. 6, 2014)
我强烈推荐洛伊斯Kulinsky & 助理(并且已经推荐了他们). 洛伊斯 and her staff are very 专业 and handled my case in an effective and 专业 manner. 他们是一家很好的律师事务所. I will recommend them to anyone who is looking for an attorney to handle 离婚, 家庭法, 采用, 和意志, 信托基金, 和地产. 我亲自为我的离婚和遗嘱保留了他们. 露易丝非常乐于助人,当她在法庭上的日程排得满满的时候, Jessica was always there to get back to me in a timely manner and take care of any needs or get in touch with 洛伊斯 and get back to me with the information/status etc. 在我离婚的整个过程中,他们总是非常专业. Would definitely recommend them and use them again if the need arose in the future. ——斯蒂芬妮S. (2014年7月21日)
我推荐洛伊斯Kulinsky提供的服务 & 我认为他们是同事,尤其是洛伊丝·库林斯基 他们在追求积极结果方面非常专业 对于他们的客户. I appreciated their understanding of the issue and the knowledge to bring about a fair resolution for all involved parties. ——韦恩·高德曼.P.M., cfsp, cfpm, cphs, a.P.P. (2014年7月16日)
露易丝和她的全体员工都很体贴, 知识渊博的, 对我案子的每一步都表现出真诚的关心. Every question I asked or concern I voiced was answered with precise speed and accuracy. 洛伊斯 and her staff were very easy to talk to and you can feel their genuine concern over protecting your rights in any proceeding. 我无法想象除了露易丝和她的手下还有谁能代表我. — J. 科维洛(2014年6月3日)
谢谢你帮我结束了生命中最糟糕的一段! With your excellence and expertise with your law firm you’ve made my upcoming new chapter in my life a lot easier to move forward and hold my head up high. ——Betty Peleska(10月. 5, 2012)
我的母亲,女儿和我都去找了洛伊斯Kulinsky & 在过去的几年里. 露易丝和她的员工为365买球平台提供了优质的服务和安心. 365买球平台都觉得露易丝和她的员工相处得很舒服. 他们知识渊博,能给出很好的建议. 我很高兴365买球平台对他们有信心. ——Sharon Schomer(9月11日. 6, 2012)
我一直是她的客户. 在库林斯基律师事务所工作多年. Ms. Kulinsky handles most of my legal matters from simple letters to very sophisticated 信托基金 和意志. 这是我非常高兴和荣幸与女士工作. 我的法律事务. Ms. 库林斯基一直是学院式的. I have observed her in a number of situations which have allowed me to witness first hand her dedication to providing the best service. Ms. Kulinsky’s dedication and willingness to do what it takes in order to provide the clients with the best legal advice are characteristics which lend me to believe that you will choose Ms. 库林斯基和她的律师事务所为你提供大部分法律服务. ——Anonymous(2012年3月)
洛伊斯Kulinsky & 律师事务所一直都很专业. They have handled all probate issues and given me up to date detailed information, 更不用提逐项的月度报表了. Handling my mother’s estate while living in a different state went smoother than I would have expected. ——乔·H. (2011年6月24日)
我强烈推荐……律师事务所 Kulinsky & 协会有限公司 洛伊斯Kulinsky and her associate exemplify excellence and reliability in their practice of law. 露易丝和她的公司帮我处理了一个非常复杂的遗嘱认证案件. 他们很彻底, 积极主动的, 实际上还指导了与此案有关的其他律师. 他们不仅用专业知识处理了这个案子, 自信与尊重, 但他们做得非常正直. ——Jennifer Piazza(2011年6月10日)
洛伊丝·库林斯基自1992年以来一直是我的律师. 在我接触过的所有律师中, 洛伊斯, 到目前为止, 比任何人都更能代表她的职业. 她的法律建议和诉讼技巧非常到位. She leaves no stone unturned; crossing all of her “t’s” and dotting all of her “i’s.“我永远不会考虑用其他律师处理国内事务. -佩吉
我在离婚前和离婚后都使用了洛伊斯Kulinsky的服务. 她很能干。, 有很强的组织能力和执行力, is well respected by the courts and is a “bulldog in pantyhose” when she needs to be. 我的前夫, 谁对判决后的结果不满意呢, said he would be recommending her to all of his friends who were involved in any 离婚 negotiations. ——安德里亚.
Ms. 库林斯基创造性地捡起了碎片 from a previous, highly touted attorney, who mishandled my unpleasant 离婚. Ms. 库林斯基应该是我最初的支持者. ——丹·F.来自伊利诺斯州的Riverwoods
我离婚的时候,一个朋友建议我“联系洛伊斯·库林斯基”.“是的。. 她是个了不起的律师. 现在,我把她当作朋友. ——约翰·K. 马奎特,前景山,伊利诺伊州
洛伊斯Kulinsky & 同事们帮助我和我的兄弟姐妹的家人写遗嘱, 信托基金, 地产, 离婚, 采用, 房地产买卖. 他们的法律服务很有礼貌, 提示, 彻底的, 专业, 让人安心, 非常令人满意. 我不会想去找其他法律顾问. ——比尔·M.他来自伊利诺斯州的惠灵
优秀的律师和有爱心的人. 非常专业,见多识广. 实际上是回电话! 强烈推荐! — S. 林德斯特伦,帕拉廷,伊利诺伊州
365买球平台的生活现在井然有序了. Debts behind us; have savings, and feel better about everything thanks to you. ——Alan G.他来自伊利诺斯州的惠灵
洛伊斯Kulinsky puts forth a top notch effort with persistence, determination, sensitivity, and caring. 这些品质体现了一个人, 随着她的努力, 专用的, 有爱心的同事(我的梦之队), present a formidable group of people who have given their all and beyond to represent me. 洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事 to me is the embodiment of the best of what an attorney can and should be. — L. 卡普兰,威尔梅特,伊利诺伊州
你把我肩上的担忧和困惑都转嫁到了你身上. 你帮我改变了人生. 谢谢你的辛勤工作. ——Annamarie Capparelli他来自伊利诺斯州的惠灵
露易丝和她的公司帮365买球平台度过了我父亲遗产的难关. 感谢所有的辛勤工作和奉献. ——迈克尔·洛克西奥